
Here you’ll find meal planning templates, a quick and easy meal ideas eBook, seasonal food guide eBook, suggestions on what to ferment or preserve each season plus much more! Those that require subscription will sign you up to my newsletter, which will give you access to exclusive content each week. If you’re after more mealtime inspiration, you can browse the recipe index!

Food For Good Gut Health

This mini eBook will help you make the best choices to keep your gut in tip top shape. It looks at foods that feed the microbiome and easy ways you can incorporate more of them into your diet.

Quick and Easy Meal Ideas eBook

Thinking about what to cook for every meal every day can feel very overwhelming. But making nourishing food does not have to be difficult nor a laborious task. With just a little prep once a week you can make a variety of meals in no time at all.

Image of a weekly meal planning template.
Image of a weekly meal planning template.

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Weekly Meal Planning Template

A meal planning template can save you lots of time and effort in addition to helping you keep your health goals on track. Plan out breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks for an easy, stress-free week.

A completed 7 day meal plan with blurred text.
A completed 7 day meal plan with blurred text.

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Example 7 Day Meal Plan

Need a little inspiration to get your meal planning underway? This example 7 day meal plan is all filled out for you. It’s a plan you can decide to follow for the week or use as a guide to create your own with the empty template above.

Front page of an eBook called a Guide to What's in Season. The titles sits over a picture of vegetables stacked at a market. Beetroot and carrots can be seen.
Front cover of a section titled seasonal food directory found within an ebook. The picture is split into four. The top is cherries, then kale, oranges and radishes at the bottom. The title is over the image.

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Seasonal Food Guides

Fermenting or preserving some of your weekly produce is one of the best ways to make the most of the bounty that nature provides us with each season. It’s also a great way to keep enjoying some of your favourite foods year-round.

The image shows the cover of an ebook titled Monthly Preserving Ideas. The title is over a collage of six pictures showing various pickles, jams, and ferments.
An image that shows a miso pickling bed in the top third, and a blurred list of what to preserve each season down below.

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Monthly Preserving Ideas

Based on the seasonal food guide consider fermenting or preserving one seasonal food each month to stock your pantry. The bonus is as some produce gets towards the end of its season you can pick up boxes of it at very reasonable prices.

A portrait photo of a white woman with long black hair who is smiling. She's wearing a black dress with a tiger print.
A close-up of purple, yellow and orange Dutch carrots sitting on the shelf at a grocery store.

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If you’d like to get in touch with questions or feedback about these guides, or if you have any other questions relating to the recipes on Whole Natural Kitchen, head to the form on my contact page using the button below.